Sunday, April 28, 2013

Selfish Love

Yesterday, I was brought face-to-face with the selfish nature of my love.
Magnus was having a rough day and I was REALLY irritated with him. I kept asking God what I should do and he kept responding "Love him." So I would go over and say something nice... and then add "but, I still think you're wrong" or some such phrasing. This happened three times. Three - I am a slow learner at times.
Finally, God started working on my heart  - he continued to tell me to love Magnus, but he also gently pointing out that telling him I love him "but" isn't really any sort of love. It's me being selfish, it's me wanting him to change before I am kind to him as opposed to laying aside my needs and wants and simply loving and serving him where he's at, as he is. God gently asked if I could love him - as he is - for the next week, month, year? I was struck by the selfishness of my love at that moment, and realized that I have been called to love and serve my husband, regardless of his mood, and that's what I needed to do.
I repented before the Lord and sought to walk in love (though not perfectly).
What I love about the Lord's work in this situation - within an hour God had gently convicted Magnus and his attitude did a 180.
God is so good - he loves us selflessly, and I know that learning to love as he does will be a life long process.

1 comment:

  1. I love this, Rach. I'm also hugely cowed sometimes by the selfless love for others God calls us to.
