Wednesday, November 16, 2011

God's Grace Doesn't Wait

For the past two days I've been praying a lot seeking God's wisdom as to what's wrong with my back (as mentioned in my last blog post). I've been discouraged in it, a little scared, yet sure that God will give me the grace to take each day at a time. My specific prayer is that God would make clear if there is any underlying issue to what's going on with my back.
God answered my prayer (I believe) this morning in class. I sat down and my friend asked me about my back - I said it was doing better, but it still hurt. She asked a little more, which I shared, and then she said, "I know exactly what's wrong" and started explaining what had happened to her with her back problems and all the ways that impacted various other parts of her body. It fit what I was dealing with to the letter. She said she knew the exact steps to take and could help coach me through the process of what to do to help alleviate the pain. I was in the back of class (thankfully) as a tear slipped down my cheek. God heard my prayers and answered.
The amazing thing was he answered out of his grace - I had not fully gotten over my frustration/anger. I knew intellectually that God is faithful and gracious, but emotionally I still was mad. Yet he did not wait for my perfected obedience or submission; he reminded me that he knows me inside out and cares regardless.
I'm not saying the journey is done, I'm not saying I won't slip and fall again (or cease to get angry); but what I do know is that God is faithful, he knows me and loves me more then I could imagine.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks(x10), again, for sharing. I hope those steps help your back feel better and that you continue to experience God's grace in the meantime.
