Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Allergy and Sin

Ok, so if you don't know by now here's the deal: I have a crazy food allergy. I'm allergic to something called nightshade. The symptoms for this allergy started manifesting in January 2009 and I was diagnosed in January 2010. It's a "type 2" allergy which means it's technically an intolerance - my body has had so much of it in my system that it can no longer tolerate it. Nightshade, in its pure form is a poison but is found in things like tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant and nicotine. Do you know how many foods have that in it? I do. And it's an insane amount.
One of the ways the allergy manifests itself is that it causes inflammation to my joints which will cause severe pain. It was a blessing, then, to find out about the allergy as eliminating the food eliminated much of the pain I was experiencing.
One of the questions I get a lot with the allergy is do I miss the foods I can't eat. My honest answer is no, I don't miss the foods. I think if you understood the pain that these things caused and realized that when I look at or think of those foods I think of poison entering my body then it's more understandable.
But, this led me to think of sin. You see, when you become a Christian or are growing in Christ God convicts you of a sin. When this happens, I often am so abhorred by the impact it has had on me and others that considering doing it again is ridiculous. Why would you want to do something that has so poisoned you or your relationships with others? Fleeing the sin seems the only logical option.
There are also those moments when I am presented with a sin (or food) that I know I should not have. Sometimes I do not resist, and I can often see how it impacts me within hours.
So do I miss those foods? No. And hopefully and prayerfully, as I grow in Christ he will cause me to be more aware of those things which are poisoning my souls so that I can surrender them to him and choose the freedom, health, and liberty he offers.

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