Thursday, August 9, 2012

What kind of God do you pray to?

Our perception of God comes out in interesting places. I think part of that comes out in our prayer and the way we pray, whether or not we believe in a loving, caring, specific God as evidenced in our prayers - as in, do we ask God for specifics? This, of course, has to be cautioned with needing a heart that is truly seeking God and our own desires.
But the question and challenge still remains - when we pray do we ask God for specifics or generalities? Do we want God to "bless so and so" or do we ask that God grow them in peace? Do we ask God to "help the missionary" or do we ask for their health, walk with God, opportunities to share the gospel, etc.? I believe most of us lean towards the vague. It's easier to believe in a God who does the general then who does the specific, it's safer. It's safer to come before God and not expect him to interfere with our daily lives, but just be nice to us and help us when we need it.
Part of the reason it's safer is because then when we ask for specific things that are outside God's will, and God does not give them to us, we are not tested - our sinful attitudes are not revealed, we can keep our true thoughts and beliefs hidden.
As we learn to turn over our sinful thoughts and attitudes to God something else amazing happens - he is glorified in our prayers. He is glorified because our thoughts turn to his thoughts (making us more like him) and through the specific answers he gives to our request.
We do serve a God who cares for us, let us not forget and not grow weary of seeking him in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Ever hear the story of the master who was visited by the expert? The expert had a single question. The master provided an answer but it didn't sit well with the expert. The master tried to feed the man but he said he was already full.

    Not much longer an amateur made the the long trip to visit the master. The amateur approached the master saying I have traveled far and have thousands of questions to which the master replied, "You are the one I've been waiting for..." The amateur was starving and the master fed him.
