Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Risking Growth

I was reading a book (The Five Smooth Stones by Robertson McQuilkin) the other day that talked about maturing in the handling of one's finances - of going from giving impulsively, to tithing, to giving out of love, to sacrificial faith giving/living (or some such stages).
Reading that I had the realization that it can be risky to grow and change. I have often heard people denounce the concept of tithing (or spending time with Jesus daily, going to church weekly, being accountable, etc) because they do not want to become "legalistic." I get it - you've seen the bad of the people who have done those things; it seems like drudgery, like it would be worse then where you are. So staying stagnant is safer, at least you won't become one of "them."
But the sad thing is God wants so much more then for us to trade in one set of sin issues for another. This is what the world believes we do, but it is simply not the case. He wants transformation. We forget that. God can not only change our outward behavior and habits but our inward thoughts and feelings as well. He can cause us to forget that we are "tithing" and cause us to give joyfully. Yes, mistakes will be made. You may become like "them" for a little bit, but if you are pursuing God and allowing Him to work to change your heart you will not stay there. You will take a risk by stepping out in faith and God will meet you there. If we know our God the risk becomes minuscule and the opportunity to see God at work becomes great.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite chestnuts- "I don't want to become legalistic." What about being afraid of becoming miserly, tight-fisted, and fearful? How come more people don't have a healthy fear of that? I would say no one really stays stagnant in an area; you are either growing, with all its risks of legalism, or becoming more self-centered. And thanks for the reminder of God's love and desire for transformation. It takes the teeth out of feelings of self-condemnnation for not tithing/praying/whatever as we should.
