Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Knowing you exist in someone else's mind...

Is secure attachment (according to Peter Fonagy). I know, I'm back to the attachment issue.
This comment made me think of the apostle Paul saying "I have you in my heart" (Phil. 1:7) to the Philippian church. He also told them how he remembered them in his prayers (Phil. 1:3-4). Paul also asked others to pray for him (Romans 15:30).
We need to be intentional with our prayers for one another - making certain to hold our friends in our minds through prayer. This connection provides strength and comfort - we are connected to the body through prayer. Others know about us and our praying for us. We are not alone.
This is so true for those going overseas: having a solid support base, having people who will have you "existing" in their mind in prayer allows a overseas worker to thrive in their ministry and work. Those not going need to be intentional about getting to know those going overseas so they can hold them in their minds, join them through prayer. For those going, it is not just a receiving of these prayers and support. Paul modeled a holding of the other in one's mind and this must be done (whether as a group or individuals).
We are to engage with one another in prayer; providing comfort, support and assurance that we truly are part of the body of Christ, wherever we are.


  1. I concur with you about this, it's extremely important not to be "out of sight, out of mind" with friends laboring overseas. But do you ever feel like you know too many people to adequately pray for and be attentive to each of them?

  2. Yes, there can be a lot of people and that's partly where I've learned to balance and know my limitations - there are some people I know well and have had a close relationship with and so will pray for them daily (or that I may just feel committed to pray for daily), but when I know I'm pushing my limits I will commit to pray for the person weekly or when their newsletter/update comes out. That frees me to commit to various people at various amounts. Of course, there are times when certain people are going through something especially challenging and I'll pray for them more (more frequent updates from those on the field help with this), or God will just bring them to mind more.
    Hopefully, we will not be the only person holding someone in their mind and that can relax us enough to realize our human limitations :)
